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(juice recipes at the bottom of this post) I don't often sit still. It is hard to keep me down. Logan can attest to this from the night I had 12 blood clots in my lungs and it took 7 shots of morphine for the hospital staff to be able to lay me down to get the MRI. (Logan said, "if we ever go into battle, I want her on my side.") Recently, spending about an hour, several times a day, in the bathroom performing a coffee enema, has caused me to "be still", "be quiet", and "relax". Strange, I know. But as a result of this "quiet time", God can easily capture my undivided attention. He has showed me visions and spoke to my heart in awesome ways, where before I was never still long enough to hear. There was such a day several months ago,where he gave me a dream that is bigger than I could ever imagine. It has to do with helping sick people, particularly those inflicted with cancer. But I had become discouraged about it a...