Go ahead....take flight!!

Yesterday, as I sat at my computer, in my sunroom, a very loud thud scared the daylights out of me!
 It sounded like someone slammed themselves up against the house or one of the large picture windows.
My heart was pounding in my chest as I got up to look outside.
Nothing. I didn't see anything.
But my daughter Candace saw something from her bedroom window.
There behind my wash tub of flowers, sitting on the back porch, was a scared, stunned no less, dove.
He must have hit the window. And believe me, he hit it hard!
We decided to let it sit for awhile and allow it to regain it's senses and then see if it was alright.
it sat there from 10-3:00! We would check on it every once in a while and it was still moving.
When my husband came home, he went out to take it some water in a dish. He was very quiet and slid the dish closer to the bird.
All of a sudden it flew into the grass, then, realizing it could fly, it took off and flew perfectly for as far as we could see.
We were so pleasantly surprised that it could fly and was doing so well.
Later, I was thinking about that dove, I thought, that is exactly how many of us are.
Something traumatic happens to us, and it paralyzes us for awhile. We try to be still in one place not sure if we can move and go forward. 
Until...something pushes us to take off or.... just sit there, do nothing and die.
 All the while we are capable of flying if we just would step out on faith and take the chance.
The choices that we make...a thin line in time
where at this very point...
a culmination of everything...
the decision that you make will affect the outcome of your life....
Will put you on the road to a fuller life or
the road to a shorter life.
And our decisions, are heavier than we realize, because they will most certainly affect many around us, especially our families.
And this is how we pass on faith,
Good eating and life habits.
These things will all make the biggest difference in the future
generations of your family.
MORE than anything else you hope to pass down.

This journey isn't easy...
not in your life's story and not in mine.
Now that I am in the middle of this story...
more and more I hear about people being diagnosed with cancer.
Before Jan. 2012, I would hear this once in a while and for a minute or two, I would think, "oh, that's awful", then it faded into the recesses of my mind, as I went on with a lot of superficial stuff in my own life. And I can tell this is how so many friends of mine have reacted to me. It fades...I am forgotten.
Recently, I hear these stories more and more. Especially since people are actually seeking me out for direction down the natural healing path.  And every single time I hear of another life invaded by this disease, I get a sense of urgency. 
Too many are taking the wrong path.
I want to hold up signs...
This past week I got a call from a sweet lady telling me her mom was in ICU after one day of chemo and they didn't want to  take the chemo anymore...they wanted my  help to heal natural.
This woman has stage IV breast cancer metastasized to her liver and lungs and now had infections and could hardly breathe on her own.
We made two runs in two days to the hospital to take supplements to help her.
The doctor told the daughter her mom would never walk out of ICU.
Today she was moved from ICU to a regular room! She is doing much better. They will continue giving her the natural supplements, get her stronger and home so we can start working on getting rid of the cancer.
We are all thanking God. We had covered her in much prayer. He is our healer and provider of all that is good and all that we need.

Life gets heavy and hectic...
Purposefully make yourself  think of a few things you are so  thankful for in your life.
Have a thankful heart.
Being thankful eases our nerves, releases our stress, allows us to trust God and see Him more and allows Him more room to work.
Keep your eyes on Him and not on your pain.
Don't lose your grip on hope.
Faith sometimes is all  you have--
But in Christ...
Isn't that what we need--

I know this vegetarian diet is hard.
I know making and drinking these juices is hard.
But it is not as hard as sitting there allowing them to run nuclear fire through your veins.
 Destroying you.
The vegetables and juices are given by God for your healing. They WILL heal.

You can be empowered by what you put in your mouth and your mind. And it can change our lives and our destiny.
You can eat  yourself to poor health and early death or...
eat yourself to good health and a long life.
Let's be honest....
These green juices are NOT yummy!
But sometimes we have to do hard things.
Just push through...
pray through....don't stop praying, trusting and thanking God even through the brokenness and mess.
 He has something better for you always...He loves you so much.
Pray Until Something Happens...P.U.S.H
You are one prayer away from a miracle.


  1. Wow, what an inspiration; such a powerful message of faith!


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