Getting the Word Out!!!

Good Morning!!!
Chris Wark from has a video up on his website of an interview with me. Check it out!
And anyone looking for my list of references and my protocol I am using to heal from cancer go over to my September post on my blog called, "FULL of Healthy Life changing information".
Have a blessed day and Heal Strong!!


  1. Kay, thank you for sharing your story for all of us. It is a wonderful, inspiring video. Keep telling your story! Full of HOPE and encouragement for anyone suffering stage 4 (or for that matter any stage of cancer!) -- Keep Healing Strong! :) Suzy G.

  2. Kay...I ran across your video with Chris today....awesome job...congratulations on everything you've accomplished.......God Bless you. Tom

  3. OOPS! The blog post full of protocol info is actually in August.


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