
Showing posts from March, 2013

You"ll Get Through This

January 2012, Max Lucado started a sermon series called, "You'll Get Through This". When I heard this announced, I thought, "I don't want to hear this."  I wanted to go to a new church! If I heard it, then it would mean something was going to happen that I didn't want to happen.  Several times in my life, when tragedy's were happening, my safety mechanism was, "If I don't know it's happening then it's not happening." (crazy) Because I had this attitude as I sat through the first couple of sermons with my defenses up. Then I missed church because I was taking my first trip in an ambulance.  I stepped over the chasm from the life "before" to the life "after". I put the bumper sticker, "You'll Get Through This" in my car window. And Max Lucado spoke what I needed every week after that. God used him to hold me up when the rug was being pulled out from under me. Max is a humble man. Great ...

It's Good To Be Alive

Well, this is not what I thought I was going to be writing about today. But it seems to the subject of the day. So.... Take a very deep breath and let it out slowly. Isn't it so good to be alive? I mean that in a very grateful way. As we all know, we are not guranteed tomorrow. This is the only moment you have for sure and the only one you can do anything about. So please, please try to make it intentionally great! I had a young friend that works at a local establishment, tell me today, a friend of hers died from an accident at his job.  He was 20 years old. She said she was devastated for a few days but now she is trying to live each day, so grateful and so thankful. She was telling all her customers today how grateful and thankful she was to be HERE in this day. That they should be as well. Then.. One of my best friends from high school lost her sweet mama last night. My heart, love and prayers go out to Andrea, Toni and Lisa and their...

One Thing Remains

When you think of things that remain, do you instantly think of things that are left over, or something that stays the same? Or is it both? From 49 years, I had left over memories, photos, memorabilia, scars, baggage, an ungrateful heart and a bad attitude. I wondered what the new year of 2012 held for me. I had plans. So did God. He was about to shake out my life and see what remained. I knew God at an early age. When I say, I KNEW God, I mean that I accepted Him in to my heart. I repented of my sins. I said the sinners prayer. I asked him to be Lord of my life and to save my soul and give me a home in Heaven one day. Those of you who are familiar with that prayer and the Bible's instructions on this, know what I mean. I was saved. Even though, from that time on I was sure I was going to Heaven when I died, getting to know God was a lifetime classroom. Of which, I was not always the best student. I am stubborn, I don't take NO well and I can be very manipulative. I ...

In the Blink of an Eye

First of all, everyone who asked for my health regiment have to know, God does the healing. He is the ultimate healer and the only way that any healing is ever possible. It is by all the good things He gives us for our bodies, it is by His almighty power, it is by prayer, it is by the cross where He took all these sicknesses and diseases along with our sin. So He gets the glory. Only through Him is this possible. The last few days I have spent a lot of time at the START center getting prepared for the surgery I had yesterday to remove my metaport and today trying to recover from the anesthesia. It knocks me for a loop. :) When I was checking in today in the triage room, I observed a very thin, frail, elderly lady who was there for treatment. She wasn't a typical elderly lady. I could tell she was once very fashionable. It was almost like her life just fast forwarded transporting her to this day. Her hair was still long and her clothes still of a young woman's style. But now h...

In the Middle

Do you always start at the beginning of a story or are you one of those people who likes to read the last page first? How about starting in the middle of the story for a change.  This is actually a grand place to be. Right at the peak, in the heat of the action, in the middle of the plot....past the explanatory beginning and awaiting the glorious ending.  Like where I am right now.  In the middle of my story. Last Tuesday my oncologist told me my cancer was reversing, shrinking. He wanted to know what I was doing. As a matter of fact, when I arrived at the START center, there were many people on the third floor wanting to know what I had been doing. I found myself writing down my new healing routine for many nurses and patients and then for my own doctor. You see I have over 9 tumors in my abdomen. Some on a couple of major organs. I am one in less than 20 people to have ever had these kinds of slow growing tumors. And no one has ever had any success with reversing an...