How high the cost

I have been told by more people than not, that the information I have given them about healing cancer naturally is too expensive.
How much is your life worth?

I am not trying to be sarcastic. I know there is a dollar cost to this, to anything, including Chemotherapy. But you don't have to take all of the natural supplements that I am taking.
It is most important to be eating a vegan diet and as much juicing as you can.
Here is a website of a young man who used juicing and vegetables to heal his cancer.
I can't stress  how important this is.
The next important thing is to take Ezzeac Tea. (essiac) Ezzeac can be purchased on line and Essiac, the origianl formula can also be purchased on line but is sent from Canada.
This is a proven cancer killer.
 So effective, I can't understand why someone WOULDN'T try it. ???
The other supplements I am taking I am going to list again at the bottom of this post in order of importance, telling why I take them.
Put together a program of what works for YOU. But please remember the urgency of eating a vegan diet and juicing. Ingesting what God gave us to nurture, nourish, and heal our bodies.
So are you not wanting to step out and try the natural goodness God gave us to heal because the cost is too high or is it fear?
It seems like that is always the case with Jesus and whatever he offers.
People are leery of him.
Afraid of something being "too religious".
Afraid He will make you do something or make something happen that you don't want---maybe lose a little of your own control?
He offers life through all that He is and was--all he created--all he died for.
Cost too high?
Can you put a dollar amount on your life?
If I said you can get a bottle of "heal cancer" at the Dollar Tree---everyone would go get it!
If I said you can get a bottle of "heal cancer" at Neiman Marcus, most would find something else to try, due to the costly price.
I know how bad the economy is. This is not easy for our family. It is down right hard.
And if not the money, how much fear do you have, to take the step of faith to try what God is offering naturally instead of the chemotherapy that will wrench your body?
Unfortunately, most people have this fear. I did in the beginning as well. I am praying people will believe me so they don't have to go through what I did.
Don't take things into your own hands. Take what He is offering.
Open your eyes to what is right before you. Ask God to help you see it.
He loves you.
He is never out of control.

Your circumstances are never over whelming to Him.
Trust Him.
He is faithful.
Keep your eyes on Him and ....
When you trust him and he brings you through some of the most awful nightmares or the darkest of days, you learn to trust him more and find comfort that He will walk you through all the shadows that appear each day. You become closer to him and in turn it becomes easier to trust him.
You learn his faithfulness.

"In order to see the miracle, you have to put your faith in the One who tells you to go out into the deep.....He is the One who sent me out into the deep, so I could love Him more than I feared the night." (What Women Fear, by Angie Smith)

This cancer experience has brought me face to face with deep, paralyzing fears in my life. But I trusted him to be my net and He has never nor will ever let me fall.
Many times we trust ourselves more than we seek God and that is where we normally find ourselves upside down and hanging on for dear life.
He offers so much life in the things He gave us to eat and in the death he died for us on the cross.
 Why is it so hard for us to accept these things?
They are all exactly what we need. What our body and soul yearn for. Yet we look for all the healing, all the answers, all our soul yearns for somewhere else.
Everyone's story is different. We are all going to learn how to trust God in a different way.
It's wild that he has given us all words, love, promises, wisdom in his word.
But that is not enough for us.
We want more.
We want to audibly hear Him.
We want to physically see Him.
And because we don't....
We doubt.
We fear.
And all the while that we are desperately praying and pleading, answers and blessings are coming through things we never expected and in ways we would have never dreamed...
rain clouds,
Could they all be disguised mercies?
God letting us know He is here, he is working things out in ways to know Him better which in turn makes everything better?
He knew this thing called fear was going to trip us up more than anything. Satan was going to use this the most because it is easy for him. He knows we can't physically see God to know He is with us. So fear would be a good way to attack us in every walk of life.
This is why God tells us so much in the Bible, "don't fear", "do not fear", "be strong and courageous".
He is the Almighty
 the One in control
 the One who has all we need for this life and the life after.

Mark 5:34 "Daughter, your faith  has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease."

Believe him for what he has for you for natural healing
and for life because....
 the cost for your life was very high and He willingly paid it.

Other supplements you might want to take?
vitamin C and high  alkaline water because cancer can't grow in this environment
pancreatin---breaks down outer covering of tumors
Tumeric (curamed) kills tumors
curamed (curamin) pain reliever
chorella and spiulina regenerates cells


  1. We buy Alkaline water when they have it on good sale. I agree with Tumeric, it has too many health benefts too. I wish I amconsistent with Chorella, my friends introduced me a couple of years ago. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your story!


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